Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Picture this: It's August 4, 1997 at approximately 10:48ish pm at Kings Daughters Medical Center in Ashland, Kentucky. A skinny blonde woman is currently pushing out the most magical thing to ever come in to this world; me. I'm a magical princess, you see. So, in my honor every month on the 4th day, the kingdom sets off fireworks.

In this particular picture, the fireworks were designed by the princess herself. This means that they are the most magical and wonderful fireworks to ever exist. When one shoots off, tiny fairies and ballerinas shoot out of them and then fall to the ground, whilst doing little dances around the townspeople's heads. When another one shoots off, everyone is showered with buckets of various types of glitter. When the final firework shoots off, tiny tiaras, diamonds, and other precious gemstones come out, all the while gospel music blares loudly about. 

In conclusion, the firework show pictured above was probably the most magical, glorious, beautiful, magnificent, wonderful, and fabulous firework show that has ever taken place. There will be no other firework show that could possibly even begin to beat this one. If someone were to try and top this show, their heart would stop beating on the spot and they would straight up die. It simply cannot be done. magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Okay, what I'm going to rant about is when people put down something that means something to me, just because their opinion is different than mine. That really bothers me and hurts me. A very small example of this would be if I absolutely loved a movie and it was my favorite movie in the whole world and it changed my life, so I was talking about it and someone was like, "That's dumb. I can't believe you like that movie. I hate that movie. I think that's a stupid movies and I hate you. You're such an idiot because you like the movie." I don't like when people do that because it's okay to have different opinions. If they were just like, "Oh, well, I don't really like that movie." That would be perfectly fine! It's okay to not feel the same way about it that I do, but it is not okay to put someone down for thinking differently for you. A much larger example is when some people judge me or don't like me and think I'm bad because my religion is different than theirs. That is not okay. Those people can believe what ever they want and I won't be mean to them. I would probably pray for them, but just because we have different religious beliefs does not mean that one of us is a bad person. So, the moral of this story is don't put people down because of a difference in opinion because you will never find someone who has all of the exact opinions as you and you probably won't make many friends that way because everyone will think you're rude. It is okay to have different opinions. I respect you're thoughts even if they are different than mine.

R A N T   D O N E

Super Shelb!

I picked Superman! I like this character because he goes around everyday as a normal business person. Everyone just assumes he is an average boring dude, but as it turns out he's a freaking awesome super-strength, flying superhero! That's the coolest thing ever. I relate to him because on the outside everyone thinks I'm just an average girl, but on the inside, I'm a friggin Princess with a dynamic personality and I'm a hot mofo. I wish I had his super powers. If I did, I would fly around the world dropping glitter on people and spreading the Gospel of the Good Lord. So, yes, I do wish I could be more like Superman. That is why I often wear Superman Feeties with a cape and call myself Super Shelb. Yep.

Meaningfulsh Art

The author of this piece is unknown. Now, this picture, at first, may come off as a joke or disrespectful, but I don't see it like that at all. I believe that this picture was created to show that Jesus will "beat up" all the bad guys for you. I think that it represents that if God is with you than no one can be against you. God can help you get through anything and get through the obstacles in life as Jesus for your protection.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Literary Analysis or somethin

I interpret that this quote means that life will be a painful journey with many different trials and tribulations, but the journey is certainly a beautiful one and at the end it's all worth it. This quote relates to my life in many ways. For example, sometimes life throws an unfortunate series of events at me and while dealing with that sucks, I cherish my life and know that it is a beautiful thing. I also know that even though bad things happen, its not the end yet and there are still many beautiful things to come that I wouldn't give up for anything. I believe that by the end of my life I will look back and think, "Dang, girl. That was a goodin'. I made it." Or maybe I will die tomorrow, in which case, I will still think that my life was great while I was here. I've succeeded as much as I would want to succeed at my age.
So, this all means that as long as you work hard and live life to its fullest and enjoy each moment as it happens, even when the bad stuff comes around you'll be able to get through it knowing that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Then, when its time for the end you'll be ready to go. No fears, man. You did it. You made your life the best it could be. A beautiful journey.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Dinner Party Lovahs

If I were going to have a dinner party, I would invite Jim Halpart from the office, Dr. Derek Shepherd from Grey's Anatomy, Nick Miller from New Girl, Adam Braverman from Parenthood, Dr. Cooper Freedman from Private Practice, and the mysterious B.H. (use your imagination to figure out who that one is). I would want to invite these men because I love them all in various ways. Some I love innocently, some I want to marry, and some I want to bang on a table.

I believe what would happen at this party is this: We would all be sitting around the table eating steak, potato soup, and sweet potato casserole having a good ol' time. All of the men at this party happen to be in love with me. Everyone is discussing how much they love me when suddenly a fight breaks out! Jim punched Nick right in the face, Then, Derek stands up and tries to break them up, so Cooper and B.H. tried to tell him to just let the fight take its course. This results in everyone fighting in a giant mosh pit o' love. I'm standing in the corner like, "Hey, guys. Stop. Oh no. Please stop fighting. No, don't hit his face it's too beautiful!"
In the middle of all the chaos, I hear a choking sound and realize that Adam was choking on his steak. B.H. starts yelling at Dr. Freedman and Dr. Shepherd to help him, but they're all, "No! Let him die so I can have the beautiful Princess!" and then I'm all, "No, no." So B.H, takes it upon himself to save Adam. He got the piece of steak out and saved the day! I kicked out Cooper and Derek because they were jerks and refused to save Jim. The only people left now are Jim, Adam, Nick, and B.H. They are all asking me to marry them, so I have to choose. I should probably pick B.H. because he saved Adam even though he wanted me for himself, but I love him innocently so I was like, "Nah man." and I made him leave too. Next, I make Adam leave because he's more of a father figure and I don't want to marry him OR bang him on a table. Now the decision is between Nick and Jim. I've decided that I would bang Nick on a table, but I would both marry, and bang Jim on a table. So I pick Jim. We ended the night by Jim running into the sunset with me on his back in the best piggyback ride of my life.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Hebrews 6:19


The quote I have chosen is, "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain," Hebrews 6:19. This is my favorite Bible verse. It means a lot to me because, it is one of my Mommy's favorites Bible verses as well. Also, it helps me to remember that as long as I have just a little bit of hope, then I can make it through anything that life throws at me.  

This verse has already gotten me through so much. When my house burnt down, I would turn to this verse for comfort. It helped me to realize that my situation was only temporary and my family and I would be okay. This verse also helps me cope with some things that have to do with my family that I don't want to talk about because I get all emotional. The point is, this verse is my BFF and it helps me to cope with all the crap that happens in my life. I love Jesus.  

Thursday, August 21, 2014


The song "Bananamontana" by Motionless In White reminds me of my good friend Hannah Grace Boleyn. She's my bestie for the restie. She likes that band. When we were at the Warped Tour in Cincinnati, Motionless in White played. They all looked really similar to Edward Scissor Hands and that made her naturally attracted to them. They make her sexually charged. So, every time I hear that song it reminds me of  good ol' Hannah Grace.

Bananamontana by Motionless in White

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Senior Year Expectations

I expect this year to be the most magical year of my life. It will definitely be an emotional rollercoaster, with all the laughs and great times, as well as the sadness of knowing it will be the last time we do these things. To know that this is the very last year I will ever roam the halls of CAC as a JBS student is so hard, yet kind of exhilarating. I will certainly make the best out of every single second of this year. I will not waste my time being negative or annoyed over the small things that won't effect me in the long run. My High School Musical 3: Senior Year will absolutely be the best movie ever made. ;)